Exhibitors Catalogue

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologiczne

ul. Dyrekcyjna 10/1a
40-013 Katowice

Tel: 48 322032785
E-mail: monika.zmuda@icoi.pl
WWW: http://www.psi-icoi.pl/

E-mail: psi@icoi.pl

Stand: 1D.3 (Pavilion 8)

The main purpose of the PSI is promotion, development and education in implant dentistry field. Didactic assumptions are achieved through Curriculum of Implantology for doctors and Curriculum for implantology assistants. PSI provides a chance to take a Fellowship/Diplomate ICOI/DGOI/PSI exams with an independent, international board which confirm the skills and certified the implantology doctor and DICOI implant expert title. As part of the membership fee PSI offers inter alia: affiliation in DGOI/ICOI, the insurance program for implantologists, model consent for surgery implant, discounts on conferences and trainings, journal subscriptions "Implant Dentistry", "Modern Dentistry" and "Dental Implants" as well. PSI also publishes the six-monthly "PSI Implant Dentistry".
