Exhibitors Catalogue

Medycyna Praktyczna

Cholerzyn 445
32-060 Liszki

Tel: 48 122934000
Fax: 48 122934010
E-mail: listy@mp.pl
WWW: http://www.mp.pl/

Stand: P.14 (Pasaż)

Practical Medicine is a leading national publisher of medical literature.

For over 20 years we have been preparing appreciated publications, journals, books and multimedia. Approximately 98.2% doctors have been using them in making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

Nowadays a quarterly "PRACTICAL MEDICINE - DENTISTRY" is recommended to you.

In each issue we present richly illustrated presentations of clinical procedures step by step, the newest guidelines based on the principles of EBM and discuss clinical cases. Each subject applies to new materials, technologies and aspects of medical law.

In addition, there is the section with questions to experts.

Subscribers can join the educational program and obtain 101 educational points.
