Exhibitors Catalogue

3Z Sp. z o.o.

ul. Wyszyńskiego 85
41-940 Piekary Śląskie

Tel: 48 327677070
E-mail: info@trzecizab.pl
WWW: http://3Z.pl/

Tel: 48 663191261
E-mail: zmyslony.marcin@trzecizab.pl
WWW: http://www.trzecizab.pl/

Stand: 2D.2 (Pavilion 8)

The company 3Z Sp. z o.o. focuses on professional sales for dentistry, oral surgery, and devices for Piezosurgery. We are an exclusive distributor on the Polish market german's brand, Medentis Medical GmbH, a manufacturer of implant system ICX templant® . Moreover, we offer natural biomaterials Plast Bone® and Acteon SATELEC® devices.
