Programme of PTS@CEDE2015 Conference

Modern Endodontics : Biologic and Conservative

Prof. Martin Trope

Location: Pavilion 15, Hall 1.G

Date: 10.09.2015, Thursday

Time: 12:30 - 14:30

Course type: Lecture
Educational points: 6.0000000000
Cost: Wykład odbywa się w ramach pierwszego dnia Konferencji - koszt uczestnictwa w całym dniu wynosi 450,00 zł

Treatment outcomes for endododontic treatment are based on the health of the apical periodontium and long- term survivability of the tooth.  Maximal success for both these objectives requires thorough disinfection of the root canal space without unnecessary removal of dentin followed by sealing of the root canal and coronal space.
This talk will emphasize the biologic requirement for successful endodontics. Strategies using cutting edge instrumentation and root filling technologies will be discussed that promise equally excellent results for vital and non-vital teeth both for prevention and treatment of apical periodontitis and for the long-term survivability of the tooth.  Revolutionary products including Expendo files and bioceramic root filling materials will be presented and discussed.
