FDI 2016 Poznań, Poland
Lecture programme

The application of autogenic methods in dentistry with special focus on CGF.

MEDIF Sp. z o.o.

Dr n. med. Maciej Michalak


Location: Pavilion 7, 7.1.D

Date: 14.09.2017, Thursday

Time: 14:00 - 18:00

Course type: Workshop
Language: Polish
Max participants:
Cost: 300 PLN VAT incl.

We are  pleased to invite you to a unique training on what is, and what are the benefits of

an innovative technology of collecting CD34+ cells, with an extremely high potential

for regenerative procedures.



The program includes:

• growth factors - introduction, therapeutic action, capabilities

how to start working with CGF?

application of CGF in dentistry

possibilities to apply other growth factors

comparison with other methods of producing platelet-rich fibrin

practical part


Due to a limited number of places,all applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

Cost of the participation: 300 PLN VAT incl.

Account number: BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. 79 1600 1068 0003 0102 1079 8001

Contact and details: aleksandra.krycia@medif.com