Exhibitors Catalogue
Medical Finance Group SA

02-156 Warszawa
Tel: 48 222668370
Fax: 48 222668371
E-mail: pawel.olewinski@mediraty.pl
WWW: http://mediraty.pl/
Tel: 48 882170589
E-mail: krystian.lewko@mediraty.pl
Stand: 8a.B10.1 (Pavilion 8A)
Medical Finance Group SA (MFG SA) started its operating in 2012 by providing first loans for financing dental services. MFG SA specializes in financing patients of hospitals, clinics, doctor’s surgeries and offices located throughout Poland. MFG SA, as first in Poland, introduced a system of installment payments for medical services and is the national leader in consumer medical finance. MFG SA provides targeted loans to finance all medical and surgical procedures available on the market, including the hospital directory, if they are available on a commercial basis. The Company grants loans under the name "MediRaty" (for individual patients) and "MediLine" (for doctors). An extensive network of medical units - currently MFG SA cooperates with over 5 000 medical units in Poland.