Exhibitors Catalogue

Dental Scan Sp. z o.o.

Jagiełły 3/9
50-201 Wrocław

Tel: 48 7570000
E-mail: info@dentalscan.pl
WWW: http://www.dentalscan.pl/

Stand: 8a.B3 (Pavilion 8A)

The idea for DentalScan was born from the need to improve the quality of prosthetic services and increase turnaround time of the processes..
The idea behind the program is to implement a modern DentalScan program for dental surgeries, which will allow performing even the most advanced prosthetic work using 21st century technology.
We offer intraoral scanner and the software application for commissioning and maintenance of prosthetic works online, free of charge to our partners.
System implementation is simple, preceded by specialized training. By integrating the scanner with our IT system the use of the system is very intuitive.
Our expertise, experienced lab designers allow us to fabricate and deliver prosthetic works in the shortest possible time at completive rates.