Exhibitors Catalogue

Design Med Irena Polus-Kalicińska

Wojciecha Ziembińskiego 18
04-258 Warszawa

Tel: 48 501692490
Fax: 22 6107209
E-mail: biuro@design-med.pl
WWW: http://design-med.pl/

Tel: 48 535353616

Stand: 8a.A5.7 (Pavilion 8A)

Design MED - we are the exclusive distributor of Designs For Vision INC, - USA,
in Poland since 1992, the global leader in the production and commercialization of the best optical systems and lighting in HDi technology used by dentists and surgeons around the world www.designsforvision.com Since May 2018 we have exclusive rights to distribution of dental implants Mozo-Grau S.A. (since 2007 in Poland), one of the leaders on the market thanks to the proven quality of its products, which has clear scientific support confirmed by numerous proofs from the scientific community. We are introducing a new brand of TICARE implants to the Polish market www.ticareimplants.com This means that the product is exactly the same as it was, but delivered with a new brand and packaging.
Place. 8A A5.7