Exhibitors Catalogue
Zhermapol Sp. z o.o.
Augustówka 14
02-981 Warszawa
Tel: 48 228588272
E-mail: biuro@zhermack.com
WWW: http://zhermack.com/
Stand: 8a.A3.1 (Pavilion 8A)
02-981 Warszawa
Tel: 48 228588272
E-mail: biuro@zhermack.com
WWW: http://zhermack.com/
Stand: 8a.A3.1 (Pavilion 8A)
Zhermapol Sp. z o.o. specializes in production of acrylic resins for dentures, dental plasters and stones. The company is exclusive representative and importer of materials and equipment of Zhermack SpA and still develops its products.
Zhermapol Sp. z o.o. has got a wide range of products for dentists and dental technicians like: alginates and silicones impression materials, composites, disinfectants, laboratory silicones, acrylic resins, dental stones, a lot of auxiliary materials, equipments for dental surgery and for dental laboratory.