Exhibitors Catalogue

PROFI systemydentystyczne.com

Częstochowska 40
87-100 Toruń

Tel: 48 566486001
Fax: 48 564759001
E-mail: info@systemydentystyczne.com
WWW: http://systemydentystyczne.com/

Stand: 8a.A3.3 (Pavilion 8A)

Profi is a nationwide distributor of dental equipment since 1996, based in Torun.We specialise in design, supply, installation and servicing. A sister Profi company opened in 2005 in Great Britain. We are an authorised distributor for the following brands: Eurodent (treatment centres, Italy), Owandy (x-ray units, France), Tecnodent (dental chairs, Italy). We offer high quality, affordable products, helping your practice grow. We will advise how to plan your investment and overlook building or refurbishment works. With our experience, we will help you choose the right equipment. Let's get started.