Exhibitors Catalogue

Oral-B, Procter and Gamble DS Polska Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zabraniecka 20
03-872 Warszawa

Tel: 48 226785544
Fax: 48 226788664
WWW: http://www.oral-b.pl/

Tel: 48 126145239
E-mail: gabinetypartnerskie@msservices.pl
WWW: http://www.gabinetypartnerskie.pl/

Stand: 7a.A20.3 (Pavilion 7A)

The Oral-B® brand is a global leader in the toothbrush market worth over USD 5 billion. Procter & Gamble brand products include manual and electric toothbrushes for children and adults, mouth irrigators and interdental cleaning products, including dental floss.