Exhibitors Catalogue
SCHARF INSTRUMENTS Małgorzata Szkolnicka-Ryś
Sady, ul. Ogrodowa 8
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
Tel: 48 509618885
E-mail: biuro@scharf.pl
WWW: http://biuro@scharf.pl/
Tel: 48 509618885
E-mail: biuro@scharf.pl
Stand: 8a.A17.1 (Pavilion 8A)
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
Tel: 48 509618885
E-mail: biuro@scharf.pl
WWW: http://biuro@scharf.pl/
Tel: 48 509618885
E-mail: biuro@scharf.pl
Stand: 8a.A17.1 (Pavilion 8A)
Surgical and dental instruments:
- extracting forceps
- elevators
- periosteal elevators
- needle holders
- scissors
- bone curettes
- tweezers
- hooks and retractors
- dental traditional and intraligamental syringes
- cofferdam: forceps, clamps, sets
- crown removers and pliers
- filling instruments, explorers, mirror handles
- scalers and curettes
- dental mirrors: standard, photo, front-surface, mini, micro
- osteotomes, hammers, chisels, bone scrapers, biomaterial injectors and collectors, bone mills, bone aspirators
- calipers
- orthodontic forceps
- and more..