CEDE 2021 in the colour of hope

CEDE 2021 in the colour of hope

The visual identification of next year's Central European Dental Exhibition CEDE (Poland, Łódź, September 16-18) is dominated by green.

Green is mainly associated with life, harmony, nature and close contact with it. It is the colour of healing, hope and freedom. This is what specialists in colour symbolism say.

- In the light of current events with the epidemiological situation, this symbolism is important to us. We do believe that in the autumn of 2021 we will finally be able to meet together.

With the new colours of CEDE, we will aim to reflect the feeling of hope on the website, in advertising creations and all the of graphics - state the CEDE organisers.

The author of the identification is Adam Niewęgłowski.

Let us recall, due to the situation with COVID-19, CEDE 2020 scheduled for December 3-5 will not take place. The event was to be held in Łódź for the first time in 10 years.

- It was not supposed to be a one-off return, we hope that we are returning to the our roots for good. The Expo facility in Łódź guarantees organisation of a high-level exhibition with an educational part. The city, including President Hanna Zdanowska, has shown us a lot of support. We regret very much that we will not be able to implement our flagship project this year. Together with the exhibitors we decided that, given the situation, it does not make much sense. We are preparing for 2021 - claim the CEDE organisers.