Virtual CEDE – time to go into details

Virtual CEDE – time to go into details

When you say CEDE – you think of Łódź or Poznań. Or so has it been so far. It is high time to depict the oldest Polish trade exhibition also on the Internet. Take part in the Virtual Dental Exhibition by CEDE, without leaving home, in September.

The Virtual Dental Exhibition (September 24-26) is actually something more than CEDE exhibition online. This is an international project that fits in with the current sanitary and business trends. Even though nothing can fully replace interpersonal contacts, in 2020 a virtual dental exhibition can be a hit. The "by CEDE" note reminds that the organisers have not abandoned their hope the traditional exhibition will take place in Łódź in December (3-5.12.2020).

– Imagine an exhibition that we know best: with pavilions, stands and offers from producers and distributors, promotions, shows, educational part, discussions and meeting friends. Can such a project be recreated in a virtual world? Modern technology brings us a lot closer to this – assures Łukasz Sowa, managing director at Exactus, which has been organising CEDE since 1991 and came up with VDE.

Virtual Dental Exhibition by CEDE will take place on one of the most modern online events platform in the world. The solution provider for Exactus is the American company vFairs. During VDE by CEDE almost everything known from traditional exhibitions will be possible. There will be pavilions with exhibitors providing a broad offer and service, real time communication (chat, audio, video), webinars or company congresses, even virtual games are planned. The difference in participation, in comparison to a physical exhibition, is primarily saving time. As well as lack of transport or accommodation costs, and e.g. stand construction for exhibitors. Visitors, sales representatives and lecturers can participate in VDE without leaving home. The only condition is a computer (recommended) or other mobile device with Internet access and a browser. Nothing needs to be installed. Admission is free, although registration is required.

– VDE by CEDE exhibitors may essentially acknowledge the bold, fully interactive formula and internationality of the project. The Internet sets no limits for the promotion of the event. Participate to search for new contacts, build or maintain relationships, which is rather difficult in current situation. Of course, lower participation costs compared to physical events and effective measurability of effects are important. While online, the exhibitor knows exactly who, when and for how long visited the stand or took part in the webinar. We believe that "something new on the market" will engage visitors and pave a completely new trail in dentistry. Although certainly the coming months will be a time of intensive VDE promotion, we continue to believe in the traditional exhibition formula and CEDE in Łódź. Perhaps it is the hybrid events that will be optimal in the future – says Sowa.

It is worth noting that registered CEDE 2020 exhibitors participate in VDE by CEDE by default. The type of stand (Basic, Premium, VIP), i.e. the basic advertising and promotional options, depends on the space ordered. Detailed information for exhibitors will be provided during webinars, video tutorials and at



FOR WHOM: An exhibition with an educational part and company trainings. We welcome all members of dental teams and ...

... PATIENTS: VDE will host many interesting educational projects for patients. Producers and distributors of oral hygiene products should certainly prepare for their visits at the booths.

HOW LONG WILL IT LAST: The "live" part (available in different time zones) of VDE will take 3 days (September 24-26). Then, for a month, the stands and the educational offer will be accessible to everyone as VOD (with possible email contact).

LANGUAGE: VDE will be held in Polish and English.

STANDS: they may differ not only in design or location, but above all in the number of functions available to the exhibitor and the visitor. Regardless of the package chosen, each stand guarantees the possibility of "live" interaction between the company representative and the visitor. The booth can be served by an unlimited number of sales representatives. They can schedule conversations with visitors, create discussion rooms and even organise a virtual training at the stand. Moreover, promote products, accept orders, publish films and product descriptions. Guests will be equipped with a virtual briefcase, that can be filled with selected files, with an easy access.

EDUCATION: the basic educational unit will be a webinar. You can organize it "at the stand" or in the congress part of the event. The organisers (e.g. exhibitors) decide if the webinar is free of charge. You can organise full-day sessions and even own congress in an exclusive auditorium. Learning will take place in four modes: 1) live session: in real time, with the possibility of interacting with the lecturer. Webinars are conducted via the integrated Zoom platform and Clickmeeting (does not require additional registration / logging in), 2) semi-live session: lecture, debate or presentation prepared prior to the event, but played in such a way that it resembles a live session (if participant is late, she/he will miss that part). The "live" part is the Q&A afterwards, with lecturer who replies in real time, 3) on-demand: participants have the option to watch previously recorded webinar, without interaction with the lecturer (Q&A), 4) hybrid broadcast: live stream of events taking place in the real world.