CEDE is an idea
that flatters ambition, inextricably combining modern dentistry with the present time

CEDE are exhibitors who understand the needs of the industry, allowing the customer to enjoy every transaction made

CEDE is knowledge, served in one place and time, giving certainty of treatment and competitive advantage

CEDE has been a meeting and relationship building platform for 28 years. Nothing builds partnership like face-to-face meetings, the opportunity to talk over coffee or a glass of wine

CEDE are attractions that create trends, allowing you to erase the phrase "go to the fair" from the dental Polish dictionary once and for all

CEDE is a wide range of opportunities to present your brand

We consistently create an event that is more than just an exhibition. We are expanding the exhibition of dental products with a number of projects that, on the one hand, allow non-standard promotion to manufacturers and distributors. Whereas on the other, they engage participants more effectively. We make a number of inspiring events where everyone can find something for themselves, even if they don’t come only for shopping, or not only for knowledge. In 2020, we will try to surprise the industry again.