American session by Bartosz Suliborski

American session by Bartosz Suliborski

History is coming full circle. The first CEDE exhibition, or more precisely the educational part, was created by professor Stanisław Suliborski. Now, on the 30th anniversary of CEDE, we have invited his son Bartosz Suliborski, MD. When asked how to inspire Polish practitioners, he said “Let's have an American session!” And so we do! To find out what awaits the participants of the meetings with experts from across the Atlantic, we have asked him a few questions.

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A "made in USA" session for the 30th anniversary of CEDE? Tell us more – why?

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: Well, why not? The dental educational offer today is extensive, the choice of lectures or workshops is vast and native experts are at the fingertips. Yet sometimes it is worth looking at the same problem through the eyes of an outsider who might have a fundamentally different perspective. Undoubtedly, such encounters provide education and reflection. The more so since professor Stanisław Suliborski organised the University of Maryland session twice – at CEDE 1998 and 2000. I still keep in touch with my mentors from Maryland, such as Douglas Barnes, Sylvan Feldman, Carl Driscoll. CEDE, I believe, is a key event within our industry. The organisers have repeatedly proven that they want to create an international dental forum, with experts from all over the world coming to Łódź and Poznań. There is no better setting for such a session. That is why I addressed the Americans with a proposal of the said session. They instantly picked up the idea and we began the works, together with Exactus, at the end of 2021. The session I put forward results from my cooperation and my contacts within the University of Maryland. The choice of topics is based on my experience with Polish practitioners and the questions I get asked. I expect the lectures by our guests to appeal to practitioners of different experience. In my opinion this is probably the most valuable aspect of the project. As long as the geopolitical situation doesn't interfere with my plans – I've already had to make some personal adjustments – the agenda promises to be really interesting. So I am looking forward to welcoming you to Łódź!

Let's elaborate on this session. Do practitioners need to be convinced that restorative dentistry and endodontics are not separate fields, but are closely related?

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: I don't think many do. Though certainly the attendees of Dr. Bradley Trattner’s meeting will gain a deeper understanding of all endodontic procedures, from preliminary diagnosis to tooth restoration.

Since the introduction of nickel titanium rotary files to endodontics, we’ve learned much about the clinical strengths and limitations of these instruments. As a result of recent improvements in metallurgy, enhanced designs, and innovative rotary file motions, we now need to understand how these changes affect clinical instrumentation. Parallel to improvements in instrumentation technology, root canal obturation and pulp therapy have been revolutionized in cement/sealer technology with the advent of bioceramics. Combining improvements in both instrumentation and obturation now allows us to create more efficient instrumentation and obturation techniques that are safe, simple, and predictable. During this course, we will discuss these points with specific emphasis on diagnosis, access, irrigation, micro-endodontics, instrumentation, and obturation.

Dr Harlan Shiau, another top expert who took up your invitation to CEDE, points out that biologically driven problems with implants are a reality for dentists and stresses the importance of knowing how to determine the risk of peri-implantitis.

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: Indeed. Even though management of destructive peri-implant lesions is improving, it’s still not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize patients’ risk and be vigilant. This lecture covers some of the myths and realities related to risk of peri-implantitis and peri-implant mucositis. The dental team as a whole still plays a major part in managing patients afflicted by these conditions, in an effort to improve the long-term outcomes.

Dr Siau highlights three key goals that every clinician should have: to comprehend the differences in the assessment and treatment of the mucosa around the implant versus the periodontal tissues, to effectively and responsibly counsel implant patients on peri-implant disease risks and to gain knowledge on the latest treatment algorithms for management of peri-implant disease.

Dr Shiau also hosts a two-hour seminar on periodontal regeneration. What can one take away from this encounter?

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: Clinical evidence for bone and periodontal regeneration will be covered, including an overview of principles and practical applications of regenerative therapies. The lecture will address the rationale and use of biologics and growth factors to achieve periodontal regeneration. Dr Shiau will highlight the importance of understanding the clinical parameters important in the selection of regenerative materials and approach, understanding the biological benefit of novel approaches, such as growth factors and biologics to enhance clinical outcomes. Certainly, there will be a discussion that awareness of expectations of clinical outcomes in periodontal regeneration should be based on the literature of recent years.

Implantology is an endless story, isn’t it? It also seems to be one of the key issues of this session, as there will be more to it at Sylvan Feldman's lecture.

You can never have too many tips and, in fact, more and more dentists are choosing implants. So it pays to know the etiology of implant problems and methods to solve them. Dr. Feldman, former President of the American Academy of Periodontology and Implantology (and one of my first and most important mentors in my implantology adventure), will discuss the etiology of implant-related problems and new methods of solving them, which a dentist may immediately implement in the office. Our guest will review various techniques to restore single unit implants and small bridges , so to say "implantoprosthetics for everyone". He will also present how to communicate with the patient when problems occur in order that both the dentist and patient are satisfied. The lecturer will also talk about the effects of bacteria on failing implants, occlusion in implantoprosthetics and will show many unusual complications.

Dr Feldman also invites everyone to an expert seminar with a number of some excellent cases. A highly practical 2 hours dedicated to restorative dentistry, surgery and implantology.

Sticking to implantology, the agenda also includes the topic on its digitalisation. Who is it addressed to?

All those keen to learn about the digital clinical management and possible complications. The lecture is composed of a series of patient treatment presenting with challenging conditions. The use of technology in managing these patients using dental implants will be discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of current treatment protocols and materials available to restore dental implants will be presented and evaluated. The author of this lecture, Dr Radi Masri, is a very engaging person. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthodontics, President of the American Board of Prosthodontics and supervises a federally funded research laboratory.

Tips to make prosthodontics more predictable, easier and profitable – such a topic addressed by a practitioner with over 45 years of experience can be a real feast for the mind. Carl Driscoll's visit to Łódź promises to be exceptional.

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: That's right, dr. Carl F. Driscoll is internationally renowned clinician, educator, researcher and former head of the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Maryland. His accomplishments are numerous. It is, in fact, his experience, case base, own and peers' observations, that provide invaluable insights. His lecture will include many clinical examples of situations, where the dentist is faced with an unhappy patient due to existing conditions or complications from prior treatment. In addition to these clinical cases, there will be discussions on the importance of occlusion for long term success and on which material may be the best in different circumstances, including the raging discussion of zirconia versus lithium disilicate. You can use this knowledge to better identify everyday problems that arise and some that may arise in your practice.

I can tell you that dr. Driscoll will advise how to turn what appears to be a complicated patient into a simple and predictable result. Also how to deal with prosthodontic complications that you may face in your practice and share clinical techniques to make prosthodontic treatment less stressful for you and the patient.

The session will also include a heap of knowledge for cosmetic dentistry enthusiasts. What will dr. Adam Eisner share with the participants?

Bartosz Suliborski, MD: Dr. Eisner announced an update on all ceramic restorations. With the advent of new, improved aesthetic restorative materials, dental practitioners have a wide-range of options for the restoration of anterior and posterior teeth. This lecture will provide an insight into techniques for restoring anterior and posterior teeth with all ceramic materials focusing on zirconia and lithium disilicate. Principals of adhesive dentistry will be presented concentrating on the most recent dental materials for use in restoring teeth. Treatment planning and restorative techniques for all ceramic veneers and crowns will also be covered.