Katalog wystawców


11 avenue Raoul Vadepied
FR-53600 EVRON

Tel: 33 253745007
E-mail: neolix@neolix.eu
WWW: http://www.neolix.eu/

Stoisko: C35.3 (EXPO)

Neolix is a French independent industrial start-up company, designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative endodontic instruments throughout the world. Thanks to our exclusive and patented wire Electric Discharge Machining, NEOLIX launched NEONITI, our first 8-size range of EDM files that immediately met the success, mainly thanks to a superior resistance to breakage. In 2021 we launched EDMax, our second 8-size range of EDM files, offering an optimal cutting efficiency. Practically speaking, NEONITI is more flexible and mostly appropriate for highly curved canals and EDMax is more efficient and mostly appropriate for slightly curved or straight canals. Our EDM files bring to the dental practitioners many clinical advantages such as safety, respect of the canal natural anatomy, cutting efficiency, suitability for difficult canals and for initial treatments or retreatments.

    Produkty dla gabinetu dentystycznego
  • narzędzia i instrumenty endodontyczne

Xavier Rolland
Tel: 33 253745007
E-mail: neolix@neolix.eu