The Polish manufacturer AnGer G&A offers only its own products. New: SECTIONAL MATRICES and Fixing Rings, ENDOPIN – crinckle-cut pin for impressions of prepared tooth canals – also very tight, Amazing flexible and strong Polyester Crown Forms- don't stick to any fillings materials, Shaped Matrices for Class II, Self-locking Matrices designed to use without any other tools, Transparent Tapes, Tofflemire matrices, Metal Tapes (Matrix Bands), Flexible Scalers- fully or sectional perforated metal tapes to remove the stain from interdental spaces- ideal for contact points, Polyester Scaler- alternative to a dental floss, Interdental Wedges (light-conductive or flexible elastic) don't absorb saliva or blood and are easy to wash, Polyester Cones for root-core reconstruction, Wall and desk clocks, Tooth-shaped mirrors, key-rings, Handy holders for syringes
Gerard Wójcicki
Tel: 48 509588858